Another visit down to Dumfries to photograph Badgers at one of the 'Scottish photography’ hides. fantastic hides owned and run by Alan Mcfadyen.
On the way down, as always, we stopped off at Bellymack Hill Farm, a Kite Feeding Station. These beautiful birds were saved from national extinction by one of the world's longest-running protection programmes.
They have now been successfully re-introduced in Scotland and England. And are listed under Schedule 1 of The Wildlife and Countryside Act.
The farm is open from 12-4pm and feeds the Red kited daily at 2pm. It is in a beautiful location and surrounded by countryside. The Kites appear to know when they are due to be fed and start to circle in the sky’s above. It is amazing to watch them soar and dive down to get the food, with their hooked beaks and piercing eyes and forked tail.
The weather was as bright as on our previous visits, though you can still see their beautiful reddy brown colours against the sky.
We arrived at the Badger site in the late afternoon and were over the moon when more than one Badger, (including a couple of young) made an appearance earlier than expected. They happily snuffled around and fed, going in and out of the sett.